Certified Elite K9 Companion Training Courses

Two Week Refresh

  • Polite (Sit and make eye contact)
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Place
  • Leave it
  • Off
  • Heel
  • Recall (come or here)
  • Touch
  • Walking on a leash

Four Week All Inclusive

  • Polite (Sit and make eye contact)
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Place
  • Leave it
  • Off
  • Heel
  • Recall (come or here)
  • Touch
  • Walking on a leash
  • On-leash obedience
  • Focused heel
  • Off-leash training (e-collar)
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Need behavioral modification for your dog that's not included in one of our courses? Check out our custom dog training packages.

Course Details

Zack Lemire - Will Atherton Accredited Trainer

2-Week Course

Is your dog over a year old? Are you looking for a foundational training course to set your furry friend on the path to becoming an obedient and well-behaved Elite K9 Companion? Our 2-week course is designed to provide your dog with the basic obedience skills they need to excel.

Through our unique methodology that combines behavioral analysis with traditional dog training techniques, we can communicate with your canine companion in a language that they can easily understand. During this course, your dog will learn the foundational skills of basic obedience, including polite behaviors such as sit, make eye contact, down, place, leave it, off, heel, recall (come or here), touch, and walking on a leash.

By enrolling in this course, your dog will develop the skills they need to become a well-behaved and obedient companion. Additionally, you will learn how to maintain and strengthen the bond of trust, respect, and effective communication with your furry friend.

Take the first step towards a stronger relationship with your dog by enrolling in our 2-week course today!

3-Week Course

Are you seeking effective ways to ensure that your dog responds to your commands when it gets out the front door? Are you interested in developing a positive working relationship with your furry companion through training?

Through my unique methodology that combines my extensive background in behavioral analysis with traditional dog training techniques, I can communicate with your canine companion in a language that they can easily understand.

In this comprehensive 3-week course, I will not only provide your dog with the foundational skills taught in the 2-week program, but I will also teach them how to become an Elite K9 Companion (on leash) both inside and outside your home. Additionally, I will equip you with all the information you need to become a high-level K9 leader that you aspire to be!

By enrolling in this course, you can be assured that you and your dog will develop a strong bond built on trust, respect, and effective communication. Don't hesitate to take the first step towards building a strong relationship with your dog by enrolling today!

4-Week Course

Are you ready to take your dog's training to the next level? Our comprehensive 4-week course is designed to give your furry companion the skills and knowledge they need to become a well-trained and obedient Elite K9 Companion.

Utilizing our unique methodology that combines behavioral analysis with traditional dog training techniques, we can effectively communicate with your canine companion in a language that they can easily understand. During the first two weeks of the course, your dog will learn the foundational skills of basic obedience, including polite behaviors such as sit, make eye contact, down, place, leave it, off, heel, recall (come or here), touch, and walking on a leash.

During the final two weeks of the course, we will introduce the use of an e-collar to ensure that you can communicate effectively with your dog even from long distances or in emergency situations. With our expert guidance, your dog will learn how to respond to your commands quickly and accurately, even in challenging environments.

By enrolling in this course, not only will your dog become an Elite K9 Companion both on and off leash, but you will also learn how to become a high-level K9 leader. You will be equipped with all the information you need to maintain and strengthen the bond of trust, respect, and effective communication with your dog.

Don't hesitate to take the first step towards building a strong relationship with your furry friend by enrolling in our comprehensive 4-week course today!

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